Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 11th

Well Monday night i had a play session with my Mistress.  She had me lace myself into my karanda harness because she seems to have more power over me.  i don't seem to be able to resist her no matter what, she has total control over me while in it.She had me dress nice for her, including makeup.  Then she proceeded to have me undress for her.  It seemed to please her.  she then had me go get eight clothes pins but i was unsure what she was going to do with them.  She proceeded to have me place one on each nipple.  They seem to be on good.  Then she had me put two more on my areolas.  then she told me to go get something to thread them togethere. and to add two more to my clit.  oh mygod that was intense. all the while having me light and smoke cigarettes.The pain they were causing was getting rather intense.  i also knew once they came off it would be even more intense.  Then i was told to light a cigarette and she had me roll the cherry from my cigarette on my breasts one at a time.  Then she had me stand up and with my left hand hold the thread and then told me to pull them off all at once.Oh my god i almost cummed right there and then.  Then we smoked again and thislead to her telling me to take the cigarette and dabbing my left breasts in three places outlining the A's she has me draw on my breasts with a sharpie.  Ten she had me touch each nipple with the cherryof the cigarette.  i was told to be firn when i dabbed my left nipple which actsually put out the cigarette..We then talked some more and had one finnal cigarette.  Then was told to clean up and put ointment on the burn.  Then off to bed.

i was so happy that she was using the clothes pins and not using the needles and cigarettes.that would have been ver intense.  But she seems to have it in her to do thingsat this severe of a level.  Then other times she justs wants to watch me deep thoat my dildo till she trgets tired.  i so love both, if she where to incorporate the needle with cigrette and while the cigarette burns i would would have to suck on my dildo.  i would not be able to touch the cigarette at all unless you said so.  That would be extreme.  But she won't it is a little to extreme for even her.  One of these times i will say something thar u really will regret.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7th

Well had a session with Mistress early this morning.  She was toying me and preventing me from cumming.  She managed to make me incredibily horny and then would noy let me touch myself.  Then i would have a cigarette and once again get even more horny.  i was so horny and then she ordered me to cum. i then proceeded to cum.  but now i keep getting hornier and hornier and when i get ready to cumi fall into complete relaxation.  i have no idea how long yhis will last but i am more determined to cum each time i try.  i was really hoping for a session in which she would inflict pain in some sort.  i have gotten the clothes pins she ordered me to have.  i also wrote about two scenes which were extreme and she may not want to go there.  i so desire a session in which she would cause pain and pleasure.  But i don't always get what i want or desire .

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2nd

Well arrived home from doing something totally spontaneous.  I took off to San Deigo California. I arrived home friday from work and a friend asked me to go and I said yes.  So off we went.  We had  blast going to the beach for two days.  Was able to show off my breasts and my tattoos and recieved lots great compliments.  Then spent two nights in the Hillcrest area and had a blast.  Then drove home. ???It was quite the weekend.